Wednesday, January 19, 2011

For the Love of Exotic PETS!

To all "LIMITED" animal lovers out there, this blog is for you :)

A clue to my personality,
a love for some animals
some people would find
quite....disturbing or scary,
"they will come and get you!"
"If those things bite you, you are so...
"eww, why would you keep that?!?"

Why they ask :)

I keep them because I want to prove to all of these people, that even though they are not as cuddly as a Chow-chow or a Sharpei (dog), not as adorable as a Chinchilla or a Ferret, not as awesome as a talking Cockatoo, Macao or Parrot.... They are still sweet and awesome pets, I somehow want to educate people (in my own way) that these certain "creatures" are not the same creatures that hollywood or showbiz depicted them to be, creatures that want to hurt you, kill you and make you its dinner!

What "creature" are you talking about dude?!?! >:7

Im talking about Snakes, Lizards and lastly TARANTULASsszz yoUhw! yes, that's the creatures I am talking about, these creatures with some bad and scary reputasyones! Snakes as a bad, scary creature that wants to look for humans and bite them when its sees one! Lizards that has slimy toes and would gross all of you out! and Tarantulas...well well well.... what can I say about these 8 legged monsters... they're just simply gross and whoever consider them as "PETS" must be OUT OF HIS/HER @#$%(^|) mind... :) *well atleast that's what the majority of people think of about these creatures... which I think is just simply... stereotypical(and ignorant), well I really dont blame them because that is what Hollywood portray these animals.. IF Tomorrow, Hollywood or Showbiz produced a movie about a super killer Chiuaua dog which killed, dismembered and ate a hot (but dead) Megan fox, then I guess some gullible people would take it in and stereotype about the breed! (ohh my gosh, they err sooo vihhshuz! even though they're small! they can eat a whole foot!)....Like people stereotyped Pitbull dogs.. they say that it will attack anyone! even its owner, well all I can say is... WATCH the Dog Whisperer at NATGEO! okay? okay. Im getting off topic here(wayyy off topic) but you know what I mean?? but this brings me to my next point!

What is your next point?!? geez..

What is the best weapon against Ignorance?? what? whaaatt? Education/Edukasyon/Edukasyones/Ehduka..mentsyon??es?.. small scale, short-term education! Which, is still helpful! You're not going to buy a dog one day (compulsively, because they aree sooo cuutee and ITS ON SALE!!!!) and COMPLAIN about "how smelly!","wtF is all of this fur doing here!!!","ST*U dog!! you're always barking!!!" the next day..(lol) and abandon the dog or give it away and blame it on the breed... dont blame it on sunshine, dont blame it on the moonlight, dont blame it on the good times! THE ONLY ONE YOU SHOULD BLAME IS YOURSELF! If you research before you bought the dog, you will definitely find a breed that is perfect for the family (La Familia) capiche? Same with the exotic pets you guys are all afraid of! I would definitely gaurantee that YOU, the readers, will be suprise of what you will find out about the behaviors of these bad monsters!

What are you talking about now?!?

Yes, these scary creatures also have behaviors like dogs, cats, guinea pigs, ferrets and etc. Some of them just dont want to be disturb but its okay to look at and some of them have a very cartoonish gestures! For example; lets start with a certain kind of snake, a Ball Python!! a very scary snake, with its awesome colors, big body and eyes that makes you think its always watching you....yikes.. ITS, actually very calm.. friendly snake that always wants to hide under your cap or shirt (or bra... {D) for warmness.. AND WOULD rather curl up and turn into a ball than to bite your face off if it feels threatened! THUS the name Ball python! Second; a lizard, which some people think is just plain... "yuck", "eeww", "gross"!! BUT, if you see a bearded dragon.. IT might change your mind and think that this guy is a fur-less ferret that can wave its arm and bob its head like its a rock star!! Why does it do these things?? An arm wave is a sign of submission to its fellow beardie which is more dominant than him! A head bob is a sign of dominance which clarify who's the Godfather, the capo de tutti capi, the boss of the terrarium! Lastly; the most scary one! THE TARANTULA! please, I know for some of you people.. Hollywood and Showbiz is veeery convincing.. but understand this.. IN THE REAL WORLD you are 10x bigger than the tarantula... and its not the most intelligent creature in the animal kingdom but IT IS SMART ENOUGH to stay hidden from much bigger predators.. like us, I think they are the most misunderstood creatures in the pet trade.. if someone say they own a tarantula, people would automatically judge and say "OMG YOU ARE JUST WISHING FOR A DEATH WISH!" or "OH are just playing creepy man..." creepy because of what? has 8 legs? fangs? well yeah sure it is, but it wasn't made for scaring you or biting you! it was made for their survival. Don't be an ignorant, conceited human being that thinks everything revolves around you. Tarantulas, at the first sight..well "sense" of danger will more likely run away than to jump on to your face and start biting you.. IF you really want to test their patience,corner them, specially with the new world species of tarantulas(yes, there are two species of tarantulas! Old world which means tarantulas that came from Asia, Africa, Europe and New world species which is native to the Americas) which has urticating hairs and can iritate your skin for hours if you happen to get a direct hit! With the old world species on the other hand, they don't have urticating hairs, which means they will use their fangs as their first line of defense, BUT it doesn't mean that they will BITE immediately, they will display their fangs first, (the so-called threat posture!) as a sign of warning... well after that..that's basically it.. after you got a little nervous because it displayed its fangs (SOME SPECIES WILL EVEN GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION OF HOW THEY MIGHT BITE YOU but...), IT WONT FOLLOW THROUGH THE BITE and would just simply run away and continue its escape..sounds like a bluff huh?? and yes, there's a lot of cases where people got bit by a tarantula, and yes THERE IS VENOM.. but take note, these venom is really not potent enough to kill a human, it was meant to paralyze small insects...the bite is as painful as a bee sting.. and that's it! few cramps here and there.. but every tarantula species venom potency varies...BUT the bottom line is IT WONT KILL YOU! okay?? now, Im not saying that IF your ARACHNAPHOBIC, hates spiders or whatever...should listen to me and go buy now and face your fear! All I'm trying to do is eliminate some bad or exaggerated prenotions about these wonderful creatures.

Im sorry dude, I just dont get your point.. these creatures still "BUGS" me.. sorry

Every single one of us is entitled to our own opinion, but please if someone you know is starting to get into one of these hobby/hobbies...Dont be a negative douche and start yapping about how revolting there decision is! They might find some sort of happiness with these humble creatures.. OR they might just be a TRUE "UNLIMITED" animal lover! (which is the way to go!)

Dedication for my pets

my past pets (R.I.P)
Konggay - Pommerian
Yogi - Askal
Gohan - German Shepperd/Rottweiler/Terrier
Sparda - Pommerian
Love birds
Guinea Pigs
and a Bat (seriously thanks to my ate Bing)

my first ever pet here in Canada
Slim Shady - Leucistic Texas Rat Snake (2008)
Sushi the 1st - Bearded Dragon (2008) R.I.P
Tempura the 1st - Bearded Dragon (2008-2010)R.I.P :(

One-day pet
Ball Shady - Bumblebee Ball Python (2010)

My Pets here in Canada
Sushi the 2nd - Bearded Dragon(2010) 1 year old
Goo'jub - Green Basilisk(2010) 1 year old
>Tarantula Collection<
Alextrasza/Vlad - Chilean Rose Tarantula (Grammastola Rosea) NW
Monique - Brazilian Pink Toe Tarantula (Avicularia Avicularia) NW
Ginette - Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma Albopilosum) NW
Noemi - Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma Albopilosum) NW
Lela - Togo Starburst Baboon Tarantula (Heteroscodra Maculata) OW
Nuna - Usambara Orange Baboon Tarantula (Pterinochilus Murinus) OW
and many more will come :)

Thanks for reading my blog

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